Fundraising with ANNE of Green Gables Chocolates
Fundraising for your group or organization has never been easier!
- Earn up to 40% of the profits on popular ANNE Chocolates products
- No upfront costs
- No minimum sales quantities
- Online ordering software available
- Free Prince Edward Island pick up
- Free shipping on campaigns that raise over $250 on PEI
- Free shipping on campaigns that raise over $500 in Nova Scotia & New Brunswick
- Get set up and start selling fast
How does it work?
1) Register below and create your campaign ✍
2) Get set up online and start selling 🎁
3) Submit your final sales and we will send a payout of your profits 🤑
4) Receive your order and hand out to your happy customers 😄
Have questions? Contact us at or call 902-394-3560.
Currently we are only working with organizations based in the Maritimes of Canada. To be added to our waitlist for future expansion contact us!